Engagement and proposal - how do I say it? 6 recommendations for the right words

Proposal – how do I say it? 6 tips for the right words
Proposal – how do I say it? 6 tips for the right words

Dear men, Dear friends, stay calm and breathe deeply, Hollywood shows us how to do it... to perfection!

In hundreds of romantic movies, we are moved to tears as we see the most beautiful marriage proposals, just like women want them to be. All these films have one thing in common: even while nervously stuttering, all men still find the right words in the end.

Are you looking for the right words for your proposal, but don't have an author to help? Then let's have a look. We are sure to find the right words to help your partner say YES!

6 recommendations everyone will find the right words with

1. Think beforehand

This isn't something you do every day, so it's important to start with confidence. We don't recommend you reply on improvisation - no matter how talented at it you are. Good preparation always helps.

Therefore, it is important to think about how you want the proposal to be and to write down what you would like to say to your loved one.

If you check your words a few times before proposing you will ensure that you don't forget anything you want to say. In addition, you will memorise the text and have no trouble remembering it later.

2. Stay authentic

Important note: Your partner loves you – if she doesn't, you can do whatever you want when you propose and she will say no. So, don’t try to act romantic or funny during this special moment in your life.

Stay true to yourself and be authentic. Of course, you are nervous and being nervous is ok - as long as you are yourself.

Your proposal doesn't have to be like a fairy-tale. Make your engagement special by adding some humour (if you have some), make your partner smile – at the end of the day you are celebrating an exciting and happy occasion.

Starting your proposal with sentences like "So that your mum finally stops asking" or "Ok-ok you won!" is not recommended. Only because although you might find it funny, your partner might not.

3. Address personally

A proposal is an intimate moment between you and your partner. Show her, that it is HER proposal!

Avoid movie phrases like "You are the perfect mix of sweet and sexy" or "I love you for the fact that you are cold when it’s 25 degrees outside". You shouldn’t keep the proposal that basic.

4. Make honest compliments

Paying a good compliment, how does it work? Ask yourself, what do I love about my partner, what do I appreciate about her?

You will always win as long as you are real, open and say how you feel. Show your partner how much they mean to you. Your partner is perfect and unique, so let her feel it during this special moment in life.

5. Get to the point!

Of course, saying a few nice words is an important part of it. But make sure your proposal won’t end up in a long speech.

After some beautiful and loving words combined with nice compliments you can pop the question. If you talk too much, your partner might get bored.

She will quickly know what is going on and will be excited to say YES!

6. Be honest about how you feel

Before, during and after the proposal everyone involved is in an emotionally expectational situation. Even the most confident men won’t be as quick-witted during this emotional situation.

Whoever manages to say what he feels and thinks, will have an easier time during this extremely emotional situation.

Tell her that you are nervous and lacking the right words. If you are honest about your feelings you will seem real and authentic.

If the emotional roller-coaster makes you lose track, use the language of love and kiss your partner.

Engagement and proposal - but how? Conclusion

Before we start with the writing of the proposal speech, we will conclude a few things:

We now know that you will be thinking about your emotions a lot and that you have to stay authentic in order to have an intimate base for the speech and the emotional situation of proposing.


During the proposal everything can be said, there is no right or wrong.